
Anna Schleck

at University of New Haven


Class of 2023

Hometown: Waterford, CT

Major: National Security

Concentration: Intelligence Analysis

What is your favorite class at the University of New Haven?

My favorite class so far has been Model G20 because we got to simulate real diplomacy and we learned a lot of really important job skills like researching, public speaking, and negotiating.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on Campus is the Bergami Center. I love going there to study and its a great place to have class in as well.

I chose University of New Haven because...

I chose New Haven because the National Security program here is top notch. The professors have extensive knowledge in the field and they offer many unique classes that other universities do not.

I'm passionate about...

Sports Country Music Current Events/Politics World History Basketball 🏀 Guitar

I'm involved with...

Model United Nations Model G20 Charger Ambassador Alpha Lambda Delta The Honors Program
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