

Tour Guide at University of New Haven


Class of 2026

Hometown: Uttar Pradesh, India

Major: Marketing

Concentration: Marketing Analytics

What is your favorite class at the University of New Haven?

I think my favorite class so far has been BUSA 1000 which is an introduction to business and entrepreneurship class. I loved writing the essays for this class as they required me to be analytical and creative at the same time. I also enjoyed my time in preparing an actual business start-up idea with my team for my final presentation.

I chose University of New Haven because...

It has an excellent business program with amazing professors that are really passionate about the subjects they teach and it is fun to learn with them.

What is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place is the gazebo that is near Sheffield hall. I love sitting on the rocking chairs in the gazebo at night.

I'm passionate about...

I like learning new languages or skills Anime/Manga KPOP Japanese Culture Social Media Love to travel

I'm involved with...

UNH Kpop Club Entrepreneurship Club Asian American Student Union Undergraduate Student Government Resident Assistant
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